Email marketing is a critical component of any e-commerce strategy. It is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and drive conversions. However, there are numerous aspects that play a huge role in your CRO and yes it all goes way beyond A/B testing!

👋 Personalization is Key

Personalization is key to successful email marketing. Epsilon’s latest survey highlights that personalized emails have an open rate of 29% compared to non-personalized emails' 18%. Now personalization can help your DTC store build stronger, long-term relationships, and eventually help increase conversion rates.

To implement this in your strategy, create buyer personas to understand your consumer. From their needs and preferences to pain points, a buyer persona that represents your right customer(s) can do wonders for market research and real data that your brand can leverage.

📲 Mobile Optimization is Crucial

It’s the era of mobile commerce and you definitely shouldn’t be missing out on this! According to a study by Litmus, 46% of all email opens happen on mobile devices. This also presents a great opportunity to engage with your customers by gamifying your emailers. Adding interactive elements such as quizzes, surveys, polls not only engage your consumer but also provide you with data that can help you connect the dots.

🧐 A/B Testing is Essential

There is no way around this one. Comparing two different versions of an email gives you a fair idea about whether your content is working or not. Identifying the gaps here allows you to take data0driven decisions and hence, improve the conversion rates.

Our tip? Embed a video in one of the emails and a quick quiz in another. You can highlight customer reviews, testimonials, or even a fun social media post in your email!

👑 Subject Lines Matter

Wonder why opening an email with a knock-knock joke always works? Because the subject line matters. The most. Period. Using topical references, memes, iconic moments from the world around you lends your brand a character that your consumer would not only interact with but also remember for longer. Subject lines let you be creative with your deals and offers, and offer you a great opportunity to target and A/B test with different segments. So, the next time you shoot an email, put your creative hat on and drop something compelling and see how your open rates scale!

⏰ Timing is Important

According to a study by CoSchedule, the best time to send emails is on Tuesdays at 10 am. However, this totally depends on your target audience and industry and that’s precisely why you must A/B test and work with what converts for you and not just what the internet claims. Your timing must also decide the kind of content you want to push out, including your subject line. A morning email saying ‘Here’s your morning coffee and 50% off’ is bound to make them want to click!

Remember, knowing your consumer = winning your consumer. May the sales be with you!