A navigation menu might not be a make-or-break deal but it definitely has a colossal role to play in driving and converting the traffic on your website. It's all in the details and well, it is a cliche for a reason.

When Jon MacDonald highlighted 'never underestimate the importance of your e-commerce site's navigation menu' we decided to have our expert throw some light on a subject that often gets overlooked..

Did you know that

  • 38% of visitors will leave a site if the layout is unattractive
  • 50% of visitors use navigation menus to orient themselves on a site

According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, 50% of website visitors rely on navigation menus to find the information they're looking for.

What does it imply? A well-designed navigation menu can have a significant impact on how users interact with your site.

🫱 In a case study by the Baymard Institute, they found that changing the navigation menu on a site led to a 100.9% increase in transactions and a 45.8% increase in revenue.

🫱 With customers, we've seen a 30% increase in conversion rates after simplifying their navigation menu and making it more intuitive.

A user-friendly navigation menu can not only improve the user experience but also drive real results for your business.

And what happens when it’s not quite there?

A survey by Smashing Magazine found that 61% of users leave a site if they can't find what they're looking for right away!

At the end of the day, the numbers and anecdotes speak for themselves and make it clear that your navigation menu can make or break your site's success. Mason designed ModeMagic to help D2C brands grow and make the little things matter, whether it is about creating an outstanding user experience or boosting sales for the brand.

With the automated playbooks by ModeMagic, it is no longer difficult to have a navigation menu that is not only user-friendly but is also intuitive, attractive, and optimized for success. If you want to analyze your existing navigation menu, you can sign up for a quick chat with one of our growth experts for a free growth audit.