Free shipping by price Automation

Why Consider Free shipping by price Automation?

  • Customer-Centric Approach

    Cultivate a shopping environment where customers feel valued, thanks to personalized incentives.

  • Increase in Average Order Value

    Encourage customers to explore higher-value products with the promise of free shipping.

  • Efficient Marketing Strategy

    Utilize dynamic badges to highlight the benefits seamlessly, without appearing pushy.

What's Inside Free Shipping by Price Automation?

A revolutionary tool that automates the application of free shipping badges to products based on their price bracket

  • Dynamic Badges Integration

    Seamlessly integrate dynamic badges that auto-update based on the product's price, offering real-time insights to your customers.

  • Customizable Settings

    Tailor the automation settings to suit your brand's unique requirements, ensuring that the tool works in harmony with your existing systems.

  • AI-Powered Insights

    Leverage the power of AI to make informed decisions, helping you to set up price thresholds that resonate with your customer base.

Revolutionize Your Sales with Free Shipping Automation Templates

How to set up Free Shipping by Price automation?

  • Login to your ModeMagic dashboard.

  • Navigate to the ‘Apps’ tab and select ‘Free Shipping by Price’

  • Choose the badge you wish to highlight.

  • Select the pages you wish to target.

  • Schedule the Automation for which the automation will run.

  • Click ‘Activate,’ and your Free Shipping by Price Automation will go live as per the scheduled time!

Add Free Shipping by Price Automation

Integrates with all your essential apps

Google Sheets
Google Analytics

Tips for Utilising Free Shipping by Price Automation on Ecommerce Stores

  • Customer Engagement

    Engage your customers by offering free shipping on products within a price range that encourages higher spending without deterring purchases.

  • Seasonal Adjustments

    Adapt the price thresholds according to the season or ongoing promotions, ensuring that your offers remain fresh and relevant.

  • Integration with Marketing Campaigns

    Incorporate the free shipping offers within your marketing campaigns, creating a cohesive narrative that encourages customers to make a purchase.

Experience a Seamless Transition to a More Lucrative Business Model with Free Shipping by Price Automation!

Add Free Shipping by Price Automation

How Battery Mate Generated $7000 Additional Revenue in Less Than 4 Weeks

I was impressed with the user interface. Everything was easy to understand and everything was easy to implement. The team toounderstood our business and recommended solutions and automation that would generate the highest revenue for an eCommerce store like ours.

How Battery Mate Generated $7000 Additional Revenue in Less Than 4 Weeks

Vishal Sheth, CEO @Battery Mate

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