We all forget things—and then they become forgotten! ⏰

Wonder how Amazon powers the 'left in your cart' nudges?

Well, love does take more than a single sight!

Now you can add the same Amazon-grade experience to your own stores with abandoned cart reminders that nudge customers to complete checkout.

Stop losing orders 70% of your revenue to abandoned carts!

What's New

In-Store Abandoned Cart Reminders

Let first-party data convert for you! Now nudge returning users with expiring discounts on their existing cart.

In just a few clicks, use limited-time offers to drive sales for returning users who added products to cart but did not checkout.

Generated via AI for accent neutrality

Here's how to get started:

  • Head over to the Apps section of ModeMagic and select Abandoned Cart
  • Use the Offers section to set up a sweet expiring incentive
Image of ModeMagic's Abandoned Carts editor with the settings and offer sections highlighted.
  • Take a look at Frequency Settings to decide when you want to send the first reminder and follow-up reminder
Image of ModeMagic's Abandoned Carts editor with Frequency Settings highlighted.
  • Check out Display Settings to see where the reminders will appear in your store
Image of ModeMagic's Abandoned Carts editor with Display Settings highlighted.
  • Click on Add to Store and let ModeMagic automatically show incentives to users on their existing carts’ products
Image of ModeMagic's Abandoned Carts editor with the Add to Store button highlighted.

It's that simple.

If you weren't already convinced, in-store cart reminders see 2x more conversions than just abandoned cart emails!

What's Brewing Next

👉 Automated Price Drops

Regularly run price-drops and need a better way to give your customers FOMO? Guess what! Human brains get triggered by loss aversion. Let your customers know how much they save, minus getting your hands dirty!

Our engineering team is on a roll, and we're releasing hot stuff on store conversions every single week. See you next Wednesday!